Von Graffenried AG Treuhand
Waaghausgasse 1
3001 Bern
Numéro d’identification de l’entreprise: CHE-462.527.809
NutriPur GmbH
Weststraße 35, 06126 Halle Saale, Deutschland
Téléphone: 0049345 27952350
Chief Executive Officer: Heiko Gothe
Commercial register: Stendal, HRB 28580
VAT identification number: DE331760128
Responsible according to § 55 RStV:
Heiko Gothe, Weststr. 35, 06126 Halle
Controlled by:
Grünstempel® DE-ÖKO-021 Current BIO certificate
Quality management certified by the Fresenius Institute GLK quality certificate for small food businesses
TÜV SÜD IFS Food 7.0
Web design development: Kubilay Kocak